Practice Week of 2/26

26 Feb 2018 by Anita Schafer

Hi All! We have an exciting week upon us! For practice on Tuesday (2/27) we will be back in the cafeteria. Times will remain the same—3:00 to 4:30. I’m looking forward to seeing you all there since this will be our only practice this week before we face WLHS on Thursday!

So far we have two teams for our team dual meet: the Psycho Sabres and the team known as… All the Good Names Were Taken. If you would like to fence in the team match this Thursday, there is still time form a team! We could use a foil team, but your team can fence in any of the three weapons. If you are having trouble putting together a team and would still like to fence, let me know ASAP.

This Thursday we will be at WLHS to fence for the team meet. You must have transportation to WLHS and a ride home. If you need a ride from Harrison to WLHS and back, I may be able to provide rides, but you MUST have permission from a parent/guardian. Please have them email me with an appropriate message indicating that it is okay to give you a ride from Harrison to WLHS and back. Bring all of your fencing gear. I would also suggest bringing a water bottle (yes, filled with water) and a snack. Fencing tournaments are notoriously long, but we will be doing our best to keep things moving along quickly so that we can finish at a decent time. Whatever events we do not finish on Thursday, March 1 we will continue on March 22.

If you have any questions, just let me know. See you all on Tuesday!

Coach Schafer


1105 Grant St, West Lafayette, IN 47906

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