Training cancelled until further notice

17 Mar 2020 by OWEN WILLIAMS

Club training cancelled until further notice!

Following the latest advice from Scottish Athletics, organised club training sessions will not take place until further notice.

This may change as the interpretation of social distancing is better understood by health agencies and Scottish athletics.

All though disappointing the wider impact of COVID-19 on individuals and the wider community must be at the centre of these decisions.

I will endeavour to post a virtual session on a Tuesday and Thursday so that people have something to do individually, maybe post some comments on how it went to help with motivation for training and keep a social element although online.

We can’t stop individuals meeting up to run but as a club we would recommend you follow NHS inform advice on what you should and shouldn’t do at the moment.

Club training cancelled until further notice!

Following the latest advice from Scottish Athletics, organised club training sessions will not take place until further notice.

This may change as the interpretation of social distancing is better understood by health agencies and Scottish athletics.

All though disappointing the wider impact of COVID-19 on individuals and the wider community must be at the centre of these decisions.

I will endeavour to post a virtual session on a Tuesday and Thursday so that people have something to do individually, maybe post some comments on how it went to help with motivation for training and keep a social element although online.

We can’t stop individuals meeting up to run but as a club we would recommend you follow NHS inform advice on what you should and shouldn’t do at the moment.

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