Cancelled Comp Tonight

22 Jan 2021 by Charlotte Robinson

Hi all,

Apologies for any inconvenience, however, it has come to my attention that many families, including some of our small band of dedicated committee/volunteers, will be taking the opportunity to take an extra-long weekend ahead of the Australia Public Holiday and/or our childrens’ return to school next week.

It appears that I had not taken into account the proximity of the weekend, to the Tuesday public holiday, when I originally prepared the Club’s competition calendar prior to the season commencement.

As such, given the lack of available committee members, and/or the lack of qualified Key Officials required to run our normal competition night, the Executive has made the decision to cancel tomorrow night’s competition. Normal competition will now recommence on 29/01/2021.

As previously mentioned, we apologise for any inconvenience.

Chris Sharp
Secretary/Competition Director

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