App issues

21 Aug 2019 by Jacob Phillips


Update: 8-21-19
When you download the app you click “find your team” search for Imagine Firestone Pumas". Next, it will ask you for your e-mail. It may seem like you are setting up a new team but you are not. It is the registration process. Click “yes” then it will send you a verification code and you can complete the registration process.
I discovered some folks are having problems joining the different groups and being able to use the chat feature.Another issue is the app is asking you to log-in, but if you do that you are creating a team. So don’t do that.

I am trying to figure out a solution to that problem and will post in the news section(sense everyone seems to see that).

If anyone has encountered that and figured out what to do please leave a comment or contact me.

Coach Phillips

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