No Refs No Play : Respect our ref's!

6 May 2022 by Alicia Threatt

No Refs, No Play

Dear Player/Parent/Guardian/Club Official

On behalf of the Altona Bay Basketball Association (ABBA) and Basketball Victoria (BV), we feel that it is important to bring to your attention some crucial information that affects all of us.

This is in relation to the Referees.

We, as a community, all need to work together to help elevate the culture and drive respect for our referees who are an important part of the basketball community.

The leading cause of referees quitting the game we all love so much is – abuse.

Each and every one of you can change that.

As much as “abuse” is causing referees to quit, respect by all leads to their retention.

Respect = retention = enjoyment for all.

ABBA, as well as other associations, are currently experiencing a shortage of referees. Some referees have quit due to “abuse” and we are trying to turn this around.

We have a number of new referees (green shirts) undergoing training and it is vital that you show your support, respect and understanding for them, as everyone has a part to play. This extends to all referees, not just green shirts.

Please remember, No Refs = No Play, without referees there are no games.

Respect the refs on game day.

Thank you.


Sedale Threatt

President Wynbay Jets
President Altona Bay Basketball Association

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