Banquet 4/25 | Spring Wrestling Begins on Wednesday 4/2

18 Mar by Nicholas Maffey

Spring Wrestling begins on 4/2 which is the Tuesday following Spring Break

We will have Freestyle and Greco-Roman on Mon/Wed 6:30-8pm. We will also offer a day dedicated to positional, hand fighting and other areas of “need” to continue to grow on Tuesdays 3-4:30pm.

Anyone that would like to compete (not mandatory) will need a USA Wrestling Card (I can help with this). Please stop by C306 (my classroom) to pick up a physical schedule.

We are still waiting for confirmation on our Team Lifting Schedule – it should be out soon!

Banquet Update:

We will be celebrating the 2023-24 Wrestling Season on Thursday, April 25th at Niederman Farm.

We will provide food and drinks during Social Hour with the Awards following after. We ask that everyone arrive no later than 6pm.

Social Hour: 5:00-6:00
Awards: 6:15

Location: Niederman Farm – 5110 Lesourdsville West Chester Rd, Liberty Township, OH 45011.

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