Wandong JFNC - Annual General Meeting

13 Sep 2019 by Darlene Gunter

Our Annual General Meeting will be held this Sunday, 15th September at 11am and there are many roles to fill within our Committee .

Please remember that many hands make for light work and consider becoming a part of the WJFNC Committee. Without your support the Club cannot continue to run, so turn your thoughts into actions and attend our upcoming AGM to see how you can help support the Club and ensure the kids make it to the field.

There are many outgoing Committee members for 2019 and all Executive Roles must be filled for the Club to move forward in 2020. Please have a chat to any of the current Committee members and ask them how rewarding it can be!


Wandong Community Center, L B Davern Reserve, 12 Dry Creek Rd, Wandong